

Im Rahmen des InteW2-Projekts stellt die InteW2-Library eine Sammlung von Quellen und Referenzen zu Klimarisiken für gekoppelte Wald- und Wasserressourcen sowie politischen Instrumenten für den Wald- und Wassersektor zusammen.
 Ziel dieser Bibliothek ist es, einen einfachen und schnellen Zugang zu Informationen zu bieten, die für die politische Unterstützung und die Forschung im Bereich des integrierten Managements von Wald- und Wasserressourcen nützlich sein können. 
 Die Einrichtung dieser Bibliothek ist ein wichtiger Schritt zur Schaffung einer Plattform für den Austausch von Informationen über die Umsetzung des integrierten Managements von Wald- und Wasserressourcen.


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  • Attenberger, E., Moritz, K., & Weber, H. (2002). Groundwater resources in Bavarian forest areas Quality monitoring and protection approach [Les ressources en eau dans les forets de Baviere Observations qualitatives et demarches protectrices]. Houille Blanche, (3), 85-89.
  • Buczko, U., Bens, O., Fischer, H., & Hüttl, R. F. (2002). Water repellency in sandy luvisols under different forest transformation stages in northeast Germany. Geoderma, 109(1-2), 1-18.
  • Lasch, P., Lindner, M., Erhard, M., Suckow, F., & Wenzel, A. (2002). Regional impact assessment on forest structure and functions under climate change—the Brandenburg case study. Forest ecology and management, 162(1), 73-86.
  • Rothe, A., Huber, C., Kreutzer, K., & Weis, W. (2002). Deposition and soil leaching in stands of Norway spruce and European beech: results from the Höglwald research in comparison with other European case studies. Plant and soil, 240(1), 33-45.
  • Wegehenkel, M. (2002). Estimating of the impact of land use changes using the conceptual hydrological model THESEUS -- a case study. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 27(9-10), 631-640.


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  • Armbruster, M., Abiy, M., & Feger, K. H. (2003). The biogeochemistry of two forested catchments in the Black Forest and the eastern Ore Mountains (Germany). Biogeochemistry, 65(3), 341-368.
  • Hegg, C., Waldner, P., & Jeisy, M. (2003). Zusammenhänge zwischen Wald, Wasser und Wasserqualität. In Thema Umwelt, 4/03, Praktischer Umweltschutz Schweiz PUSCH, 6-7.
  • Spiecker, H. (2003). Silvicultural management in maintaining biodiversity and resistance of forests in Europe—temperate zone. Journal of environmental Management, 67(1), 55-65.
  • Wahl, N. A., Bens, O., Schäfer, B., & Hüttl, R. F. (2003). Impact of changes in land-use management on soil hydraulic properties: hydraulic conductivity, water repellency and water retention. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts a/B/C, 28(33-36), 1377-1387.


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  • Borken, W., Xu, Y. J., & Beese, F. (2004). Ammonium, nitrate and dissolved organic nitrogen in seepage water as affected by compost amendment to European beech, Norway spruce, and Scots pine forests. Plant and soil, 258(1), 121-134.
  • Elsasser, P. (2004). Economic valuation of non-market forest benefits in Germany. In F. Andersson, Y. Birot, R. Päivinen (Eds.), Towards the Sustainable Use of Europe’s Forests – Forest Ecosystem and Landscape Research: Scientific Challenges and Opportunities (125-134). European Forest Institute.
  • Farcy, C. (2004). Forest Planning in Europe: state of the art, international debates, emergent tools. In F. Andersson, Y. Birot, R. Päivinen (Eds.), Towards the Sustainable Use of Europe’s Forests – Forest Ecosystem and Landscape Research: Scientific Challenges and Opportunities (11-20). European Forest Institute.
  • Fürst, C., Klins, U., Knoke, T., Suda, M., & Bitter, A. W. (2004). Multifunctional demands to forestry–societal background, evaluation approaches and adapted inventory methods for the key functions protection, production, diversity and recreation. In F. Andersson, Y. Birot, R. Päivinen (Eds.), Towards the Sustainable Use of Europe’s Forests – Forest Ecosystem and Landscape Research: Scientific Challenges and Opportunities (113-124). European Forest Institute.
  • Kahle, H. P., Hansen, J., & Spiecker, H. (2004). A moving target: Forest growth in a changing environment-The role of long-term dynamics. In F. Andersson, Y. Birot, R. Päivinen (Eds.), Towards the Sustainable Use of Europe’s Forests – Forest Ecosystem and Landscape Research: Scientific Challenges and Opportunities (31-40). European Forest Institute.
  • UNECE (2004). The Condition of Forests in Europe (2004 Executive Report). Federal Research Centre for Forestry and Forest Products (BFH).
  • von Wilpert, K., & Zirlewagen, D. (2004). Forestry Management Options for Water Preservation. In F. Andersson, Y. Birot, R. Päivinen (Eds.), Towards the Sustainable Use of Europe’s Forests – Forest Ecosystem and Landscape Research: Scientific Challenges and Opportunities (189-198). European Forest Institute.


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  • Buczko, U., Bens, O., & Hüttl, R. F. (2005). Variability of soil water repellency in sandy forest soils with different stand structure under Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and beech (Fagus sylvatica). Geoderma, 126(3-4), 317-336.
  • Herrmann, M., Pust, J., & Pott, R. (2005). Leaching of nitrate and ammonium in heathland and forest ecosystems in Northwest Germany under the influence of enhanced nitrogen deposition. Plant and soil, 273(1), 129-137.
  • Wahl, N. A., Wöllecke, B., Bens, O., & Hüttl, R. F. (2005). Can forest transformation help reducing floods in forested watersheds? Certain aspects on soil hydraulics and organic matter properties. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 30(8-10), 611-621.


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  • Greiffenhagen, A., Wessolek, G., Facklam, M., Renger, M., & Stoffregen, H. (2006). Hydraulic functions and water repellency of forest floor horizons on sandy soils. Geoderma, 132(1-2), 182-195.


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  • Fürstenau, C., Badeck, F. W., Lasch, P., Lexer, M. J., Lindner, M., Mohr, P., & Suckow, F. (2007). Multiple-use forest management in consideration of climate change and the interests of stakeholder groups. European journal of forest research, 126(2), 225-239.
  • Geßler, A., Keitel, C., Kreuzwieser, J., Matyssek, R., Seiler, W., & Rennenberg, H. (2007). Potential risks for European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in a changing climate. Trees, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Granier, A. et al. (2007). Evidence for soil water control on carbon and water dynamics in European forests during the extremely dry year: 2003. Agricultural and forest meteorology, 143(1-2), 123-145.
  • Lorz, C., Volk, M., & Schmidt, G. (2007). Considering spatial distribution and functionality of forests in a modeling framework for river basin management. Forest ecology and management, 248(1-2), 17-25.
  • Mellert, K. H., Gensior, A., Göttlein, A., & Kölling, C. (2007). Prädiktoren des Nitrataustrags aus Wäldern–Ergebnisse der bayerischen Nitratinventur im mitteleuropäischen Vergleich. Forstarchiv, 78, 139-149.
  • Wattenbach, M. et al. (2007). Hydrological impact assessment of afforestation and change in tree-species composition–a regional case study for the Federal State of Brandenburg (Germany). Journal of Hydrology, 346(1-2), 1-17.


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  • FVA (2008). Merkblatt Ressourcenschonende Bewirtschaftung bewaldeter Wassereinzugsgebiete und Wasserschutzgebiet. Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg.
  • Gärtner, S., Reif, A., Xystrakis, F., Sayer, U., Bendagha, N., & Matzarakis, A. (2008). The drought tolerance limit of Fagus sylvatica forest on limestone in southwestern Germany. Journal of Vegetation Science, 19(6), 757-768.
  • Huber, C., Weis, W., & Göttlein, A. (2008). Sickerwasserqualität bei Stickstoffsättigung. LWF aktuell, (66), 13-15.


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  • Ripl, W., & Eiseltová, M. (2009). Sustainable land management by restoration of short water cycles and preventionof irreversible matter losses from topsoils. Plant, Soil and Environment, 55(9), 404-410.


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  • Franzaring, J., Holz, I., Zipperle, J., & Fangmeier, A. (2010). Twenty years of biological monitoring of element concentrations in permanent forest and grassland plots in Baden-Württemberg (SW Germany). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 17(1), 4-12.
  • Hartmann, P., Fleige, H., & Horn, R. (2010). Water repellency of fly ash‐enriched forest soils from eastern Germany. European journal of soil science, 61(6), 1070-1078.
  • Kölling, C., & Falk, W. (2010). Heute reichlich, morgen knapp: Wasser im Wald.–Wasser ist der wichtigste Standort faktor für das Gedeihen des Waldes. LWF aktuell, 78, 15-17.
  • Krämer, I., & Hölscher, D. (2010). Soil water dynamics along a tree diversity gradient in a deciduous forest in Central Germany. Ecohydrology, 3(3), 262-271.


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  • Bredemeier, M. (2011). Forest, climate and water issues in Europe. Ecohydrology, 4(2), 159-167.
  • Hümann, M., Schüler, G., Müller, C., Schneider, R., Johst, M., & Caspari, T. (2011). Identification of runoff processes–The impact of different forest types and soil properties on runoff formation and floods. Journal of Hydrology, 409(3-4), 637-649.
  • Kiese, R., Heinzeller, C., Werner, C., Wochele, S., Grote, R., & Butterbach-Bahl, K. (2011). Quantification of nitrate leaching from German forest ecosystems by use of a process oriented biogeochemical model. Environmental Pollution, 159(11), 3204-3214.
  • Schumann, A. H., Pahlow, M., Nijssen, D., & Klein, B. (2011). Imprecise probabilities to specify hydrological loads for flood risk management. IAHS-AISH publication, 347, 22-28.
  • Vose, J. M. et al. (2011). Forest ecohydrological research in the 21st century: what are the critical needs? Ecohydrology, 4(2), 146-158.


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  • Depietri, Y., Renaud, F. G., & Kallis, G. (2012). Heat waves and floods in urban areas: a policy-oriented review of ecosystem services. Sustainability science, 7(1), 95-107.
  • Duncker, P. S., et al. (2012). How forest management affects ecosystem services, including timber production and economic return: synergies and trade-offs. Ecology and Society, 17(4).
  • Lasch, P. et al. (2012). Waldumbau in Brandenburg: Grundwasserneubildung unter Klimawandel. In Wasserbezogene Anpassungsmaßnahmen an den Landschafts-und Klimawandel, 272-279.
  • Murray, S. J., Foster, P. N., & Prentice, I. C. (2012). Future global water resources with respect to climate change and water withdrawals as estimated by a dynamic global vegetation model. Journal of Hydrology, 448, 14-29.
  • Temperli, C., Bugmann, H., & Elkin, C. (2012). Adaptive management for competing forest goods and services under climate change. Ecological Applications, 22(8), 2065-2077.


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  • Maes, J. et al. (2013). Mainstreaming ecosystem services into EU policy. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 5(1), 128-134.
  • Milad, M., Schaich, H., & Konold, W. (2013). How is adaptation to climate change reflected in current practice of forest management and conservation? A case study from Germany. Biodiversity and Conservation, 22(5), 1181-1202.
  • Rötzer, T., Liao, Y., Goergen, K., Schüler, G., & Pretzsch, H. (2013). Modelling the impact of climate change on the productivity and water-use efficiency of a central European beech forest. Climate research, 58(1), 81-95.
  • Storch, S., & Winkel, G. (2013). Coupling climate change and forest policy: A multiple streams analysis of two German case studies. Forest Policy and Economics, 36, 14-26.


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  • Gebhardt, T., Häberle, K. H., Matyssek, R., Schulz, C., & Ammer, C. (2014). The more, the better? Water relations of Norway spruce stands after progressive thinning. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 197, 235-243.
  • Pretzsch, H. et al. (2014). Mixed Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica [L.]) stands under drought: from reaction pattern to mechanism. Trees, 28(5), 1305-1321.
  • Wagner, S., Nocentini, S., Huth, F., & Hoogstra-Klein, M. (2014). Forest management approaches for coping with the uncertainty of climate change: trade-offs in service provisioning and adaptability. Ecology and Society, 19(1).


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  • Beudert, B. et al. (2015). Bark beetles increase biodiversity while maintaining drinking water quality. Conservation Letters, 8(4), 272-281.
  • Butzen, V., Seeger, M., Marruedo, A., de Jonge, L., Wengel, R., Ries, J. B., & Casper, M. C. (2015). Water repellency under coniferous and deciduous forest—Experimental assessment and impact on overland flow. Catena, 133, 255-265.
  • Herbst, M., Mund, M., Tamrakar, R., & Knohl, A. (2015). Differences in carbon uptake and water use between a managed and an unmanaged beech forest in central Germany. Forest Ecology and Management, 355, 101-108.


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  • Bachmann, J., Krueger, J., Goebel, M. O., & Heinze, S. (2016). Occurrence and spatial pattern of water repellency in a beech forest subsoil. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 64 (2016), Nr. 2, 64(2), 100-110.
  • Barth, N. C., & Döll, P. (2016). Assessing the ecosystem service flood protection of a riparian forest by applying a cascade approach. Ecosystem Services, 21, 39-52.
  • Dieperink, C., Hegger, D. T., Bakker, M. H. N., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Green, C., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2016). Recurrent governance challenges in the implementation and alignment of flood risk management strategies: a review. Water Resources Management, 30(13), 4467-4481.
  • Forrester, D. I., Bonal, D., Dawud, S., Gessler, A., Granier, A., Pollastrini, M., & Grossiord, C. (2016). Drought responses by individual tree species are not often correlated with tree species diversity in E uropean forests. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53(6), 1725-1734.
  • Mupepele, A. C., & Dormann, C. F. (2016). Influence of forest harvest on nitrate concentration in temperate streams—a meta-analysis. Forests, 8(1), 5.
  • Sicard, P. et al. (2016). Global topics and novel approaches in the study of air pollution, climate change and forest ecosystems. Environmental pollution, 213, 977-987.


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  • Fleck, S., Ahrends, B., Sutmöller, J., Albert, M., Evers, J., & Meesenburg, H. (2017). Is biomass accumulation in forests an option to prevent climate change induced increases in nitrate concentrations in the North German Lowland?. Forests, 8(6), 219.
  • Meyer, M. A., & Schulz, C. (2017). Do ecosystem services provide an added value compared to existing forest planning approaches in Central Europe?. Ecology and Society, 22(3).
  • O'Brien, M. J. et al. (2017). A synthesis of tree functional traits related to drought‐induced mortality in forests across climatic zones. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54(6), 1669-1686.
  • Schüler, G., Schobel, S., Wilkinson, K., Schultze, B., Karl, S., & Scherzer, J. (2017). The impacts of a changing climate on catchment water balance and forest management. Ecohydrology, 10(2), e1805.
  • Yousefpour, R. et al. (2017). A framework for modeling adaptive forest management and decision making under climate change. Ecology and Society, 22(4).


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  • Creed, I. F., & Van Noordwijk, M. (2018). Forest and water on a changing planet: Vulnerability, adaptation and governance opportunities. IUFRO.
  • Gutsch, M., Lasch-Born, P., Kollas, C., Suckow, F., & Reyer, C. P. (2018). Balancing trade-offs between ecosystem services in Germany’s forests under climate change. Environmental Research Letters, 13(4), 045012.
  • Sutmöller, J., & Meesenburg, H. (2018). Einfluss von forstlicher Bestandesentwicklung und Klimawandel auf Wasserhaushaltskomponenten im Einzugsgebiet der Langen Bramke im Harz. Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 62(3), 1-12.


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  • Falkenmark, M., Wang-Erlandsson, L., & Rockström, J. (2019). Understanding of water resilience in the Anthropocene. Journal of Hydrology X, 2, 100009.
  • Heklau, H., Jetschke, G., Bruelheide, H., Seidler, G., & Haider, S. (2019). Species-specific responses of wood growth to flooding and climate in floodplain forests in Central Germany. IForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, 12(3), 226.
  • Springgay, E., Casallas Ramirez, S., Janzen, S., & Vannozzi Brito, V. (2019). The forest–water nexus: An international perspective. Forests, 10(10), 915.


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  • Baulenas, E., & Sotirov, M. (2020). Cross-sectoral policy integration at the forest and water nexus: National level instrument choices and integration drivers in the European Union. Forest Policy and Economics, 118, 102247.
  • Baulenas, E., & Sotirov, M. (2020). Policy Integration in the Water and Forest Sectors of Baden-Württemberg: A Network Analysis. Environmental Policy and Governance, 1–19.
  • Kolo, H., Kindu, M., & Knoke, T. (2020). Optimizing forest management for timber production, carbon sequestration and groundwater recharge. Ecosystem Services, 44, 101147.
  • Müller, W., & Kruse, S. (2021). Modes of drought climatization: A frame analysis of drought problematization in Germany across policy fields. Environmental Policy and Governance, 31(5), 546-559.
  • Orsi, F., Ciolli, M., Primmer, E., Varumo, L., & Geneletti, D. (2020). Mapping hotspots and bundles of forest ecosystem services across the European Union. Land Use Policy, 99, 104840.
  • Weis, W., Wellpott, A., Falk, W. (2020). Standortfaktor Wasserhaushalt im Wald. LWF aktuell, 126.


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  • Baulenas, E., Kruse, S., & Sotirov, M. (2021). Forest and water policy integration: A process and output‐oriented policy network analysis. Environmental policy and governance, 31(5), 432-450.
  • Baulenas, E. (2021). She’s a Rainbow: Forest and water policy and management integration in Germany, Spain and Sweden. Land Use Policy, 101, 105182.
  • Chakraborty, T., Reif, A., Matzarakis, A., & Saha, S. (2021). How Does Radial Growth of Water-Stressed Populations of European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Trees Vary under Multiple Drought Events?. Forests, 12(2), 129.
  • Georgiev, K. B. et al. (2021). Forest disturbance and salvage logging have neutral long-term effects on drinking water quality but alter biodiversity. Forest Ecology and Management, 495, 119354.
  • Jung, H., Senf, C., Beudert, B., & Krueger, T. (2021). Bayesian hierarchical modeling of nitrate concentration in a forest stream affected by large‐scale forest dieback. Water Resources Research, 57(2).
  • Ziche, D., Riek, W., Russ, A., Hentschel, R., & Martin, J. (2021). Water budgets of managed forests in northeast germany under climate change—Results from a model study on forest monitoring sites. Applied Sciences, 11(5), 2403.


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  • Dobre, Mariana, Jonathan W. Long, Charles Maxwell, William J. Elliot, Roger Lew, Erin S. Brooks, und Robert M. Scheller. „Water Quality and Forest Restoration in the Lake Tahoe Basin: Impacts of Future Management Options“. Ecology and Society 27, Nr. 2 (2022): art6. .
  • Gunay, Charles John Consignado, Katsuhide Yokoyama, Hiroshi Sakai, Akira Koizumi, und Kenji Sakai. „Decadal Changes in Soil Water Storage Characteristics Linked to Forest Management in a Steep Watershed“. Water 15, Nr. 1 (23. Dezember 2022): 54. .
  •  Hoek van Dijke, Anne J., Martin Herold, Kaniska Mallick, Imme Benedict, Miriam Machwitz, Martin Schlerf, Agnes Pranindita, Jolanda J. E. Theeuwen, Jean-François Bastin, und Adriaan J. Teuling. „Shifts in Regional Water Availability Due to Global Tree Restoration“. Nature Geoscience 15, Nr. 5 (Mai 2022): 363–68. .
  •  IPCC. Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, .
  •  Shah, Nadeem W., Brenda R. Baillie, Kevin Bishop, Silvio Ferraz, Lars Högbom, und Jami Nettles. „The Effects of Forest Management on Water Quality“. Forest Ecology and Management 522 (Oktober 2022): 120397. .
  • Thonfeld, Frank, Ursula Gessner, Stefanie Holzwarth, Jennifer Kriese, Emmanuel da Ponte, Juliane Huth, und Claudia Kuenzer. „A First Assessment of Canopy Cover Loss in Germany’s Forests after the 2018–2020 Drought Years“. Remote Sensing 14, Nr. 3 (25. Januar 2022): 562.
  •  Zhang, Mingfang, Shirong Liu, Julia Jones, Ge Sun, Xiaohua Wei, David Ellison, Emma Archer, u. a. „Managing the Forest-Water Nexus for Climate Change Adaptation“. Forest Ecology and Management 525 (Dezember 2022): 120545.


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  • Cassiano, Carla Cristina, Rildo Moreira e Moreira, und Silvio Frosini de Barros Ferraz. „Fast-Growing Forest Management to Regulate the Balance between Wood Production and Water Supply“. Scientia Agricola 80 (2023): e20210148. .
  • Haeler, Elena, Andreas Bolte, Rafael Buchacher, Harri Hänninen, Robert Jandl, Artti Juutinen, Katharina Kuhlmey, u. a. „Forest Subsidy Distribution in Five European Countries“. Forest Policy and Economics 146 (Januar 2023): 102882. .
  •  Zhang, Zhiqiang, Lu Zhang, Hang Xu, Irena F. Creed, Juan A. Blanco, Xiaohua Wei, Ge Sun, Heidi Asbjornsen, und Kevin Bishop. „Forest Water-Use Efficiency: Effects of Climate Change and Management on the Coupling of Carbon and Water Processes“. Forest Ecology and Management 534 (April 2023): 120853. .


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Häublein, Sabeth, Chris Seijger, AndySelter, Tanya Baycheva-Merger, and Daniela Kleinschmit (2024). Discourse and disintegration: Cross-sectoral story-lines in the German water and forest debates. Environmental Science and Policy